Saturday, June 6, 2009

New Blog, Day One: In the beginning - there is only me...

I once read, quite some time ago in fact, a very interesting opening line:

We are all born alone and we all die alone ...

I don't know if I quite remember the book - I believe it was 'The Cinderella Complex.'

I have always loved Cinderella .. One shoe can change your life .. her famous quote :) I know this to be true for me!!

Cinderella .. The Ella of Cinders ... out of the ashes .. what an inspiration!! It has been one of the great inspirations in this my collective impetus to change!

Anyway, I digress ... We are all born alone and we all die alone.

Some see this quote as sad and even tragic. In our oh-so-connected world, how disheartening .. how totally devastating .... to think that in the end .. ... we merely die alone. This is all there is ....

BUT WAIT!! To me, these words are words of power. I would learn years later that these words are the words of the Buddha. I would learn this through my journey into Buddhism.

We are all born alone and we all die alone. These are, in fact, some of the most powerful words I have ever heard, some of the most liberating words I have ever experienced. These words sparked the beginnings of my discovery of the path to the end of loneliness!

It is not that I am antisocial or some type of recluse. Oh! No!! I LOVE PEOPLE!!

I love the diversity and the richness of all different peoples, different traditions, different cultures. I love the warmth in the closeness of the other. I love the sound of laughter. I love big bright beautiful smiles bursting with sunlight and heaven. I love being mesmerized by the windows of the soul, into which I can sit and stare for hours on end and never grow tired...


And since the world is jammed packed with people, 6.x (x = some odd) billion of us.. I LOVE THE WORLD!

But anyway, I digress! We do not simply die alone - oh no, beautiful heart .. we are also born alone! We are born into a perfect world.. into a perfect universe. And in that perfection, we come alone. Alone and perfect. We come alone because this is all we really need!

The Beatles will tell you that all you really need is love .. well yes, this is so! But you ARE love, my beautiful silly!! And so yes, YOU are all you really need.

We come into this world fully prepared for our journey. This is the truth. We can do this.. and we can do it alone.

If this be the case, and I am certain that it is so, then onegirl CAN truly change the world ... at least my world and the worlds of those I impact! But then, when I stop to think more completely on this, I realize that I impact everyone! All 6.x billion of us!

Everything in life is the sum of its parts: my body, the sum of a collection of atoms which create a collection of cells which in turn create a collection of organs ... which create my body. The universe, a collection of atoms, which create a collection of mass, which create a collection of heavenly bodies, which create a collection of constellations, of galaxies.. which create the universe. The earth, a collection of atoms .. but wait - are we noticing a theme here? Hey, is this quantum physics? hmmm.. I don't know for sure because what the * bleep * do I know anyway? But I do know this one thing: This is a blog for another day....

And so, anyway, if everything in the universe is the sum of its parts, then surely this applies also to our world: The world is merely a sum of its parts. I am a part of the world .. and so are you. And so in this way we each contribute to the world .. to the state of the world .. at any given moment. I personally contribute on a moment by moment basis to a state of a world at peace or a state of a world at war. And in this way, I impact every single person on the planet. And so do you!

We each contribute to the state of the world, therefore, we each create the world. I create the world - I am powerful! And so are you. We human beings are so very powerful! We own so very much power - each of us - P O W E R F U L !!!

.... and this is all we really need!

This, the first day of my blog. My first post. How thrilling! I am so very excited this morning to be talking with you! I had intended to write from the center of Harvard Square - Au Bon Pain - the center of activity from early morning until .. early morning :) Harvard Square - the center of my universe.

But instead, I write you at the crack of dawn, from my bed, because it feels right. In my nightgown and wrapped in my Tibetan meditation shawl with its beautiful deep greens and ecrus, which is exuding and radiating love and joy both from my morning meditation and from the hands of those on the other side of the world who created it; it is enveloping me in warmth and beauty.

Outside my morning bed, the birds sing a delightful serenade. A cool, fresh breeze with sweet top notes of an early morning late in spring, flows softly through the open window. The sun is just beginning to stretch its golden tendrils in and onto the edge of my bed.

Ahh.. another magnificent day has begun.
What a lovely morning to create a lovely world!

Thank you for being here and sharing this with me.

All peace and love and light to you as you journey through your day, my lovely. Please do send a post and let me know how it goes...

Signing off from my first exciting blog from the incomparable Harvard Square in the magical land of Cantabrigia .. Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Thank you for reading, my dearest heart, and please stop by to visit me again.

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